Wednesday, 23 March 2011


            A flower, sometimes known as a bloom of blossom, is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants . The biological function of a flower is to mediate the union of male sperm with female ovum in order  to produce seeds. The process begins with pollination. Is followed by fertilization, leading to the formation and dispersal of the seeds. For the higher plants, seeds are the next generation, and serve as the primary means by which individuals of a species are dispersed across the landscape. The grouping of  flowers on a plant is called the inflorescence.
              In addition to serving as the reproductive organs of flowering plants, flowers have long been admired and used by humans, mainly to beautify their environment but also as a source of food.
The flowers of plants that make use of biotic pollen vectors commonly have glands called nectarines that act as an incentive for animals to visit the flower. Some flowers have patterns, called nectar guides, that show pollinators where to look foe nectar. Flowers also attract pollinators by scent and color. Still other flowers use mimicry to attract pollinators. Some species of orchids, for example, produce flowers resembling female bees in color, shape, and scent. Flowers are also specialized in shape and have an arrangement of the stamens that ensures that pollen grains are transferred to the bodies of the pollinator when it Iands In search of its attractant.
             In pursuing this attractant from many flowers of the same species, the pollinator transfers pollen to the stigmas arranged with equally pointed precision of the of the flowers it visits. Flowering plants are heterosporangiate, producing two types of reproductive spores. The pollen and ovules are produced in different organs. But the typical flower is a bisporangiate strobilus in that it contains both organs.

Specific terminology is used to descried flowers and their parts. Many flower parts are fused together, fused parts originating from the same whorl are connate, while fused parts originating from different whorls are adnate, parts that are free. When petals are fused into a tube or ring that falls ways as a single unit, they are symptalous. Petals that are connate may have distinctive regions the cylindrical base is the tuble, the expanding region is the throat and the flaring outer region is the limb. A sympetalous flower, with bilateral symmetry with an upper and lower lip, is bilabiate.

             Flowers with connate petals or sepals may have various shaped corolla or calyx including. Campanulate, funnelform, tubular, urceolate, salverform or rotate……

Monday, 21 March 2011

Happy Days

        Happy Days is an american television sitcom that originally aired from 1984 on ABC. The show presents an idealized vision of life in mid 1950s to mid 1960s America. The family consists of howard cunninham, a hardware store owner, his homemaker wife marion, and the couple’s children, richie, an optimistic is somewhat naïve teenager, and hoanie, ichie’s sweet but nosey  yonger sister. The Cunninghams originally had an older son named chuck, a college student. Chuck was phased out of the show with no onscreen explanation for his departure
           The earlier episeoder revolve around richie and his friends, warren “Potsie” Weber Ralph Malph. As the  series progressed “Fonzie” proved to be a favorite with viewers and soon more story lines were written to reclect his growing popularity. Soon fonzie befriended richie and the cunningham family. Later the focus would sometimes shift to other characters such as fonzie’s cousin, charies “Charles Arcola. Who became a love interest for joanie Cunningham.

            This long-running show spawned several other television series, including lavems & Shirley, mork mindy. And joanie loves chachi, and is currently a musical touring the united states. The show has been syndicated under the title happy days again. Despite some inconsistencies, it is generally indicated that the events of the series begin about 1956 and, despite eleven seasons, ended around 1965 (though the ssass ination of President John F. Kennedy, a pivotal event, was not mentioned). As a general rule, most episodes take place about 19 years before the year of their first air date. The second season episode "The Not Making of the President" revolves around the 1956 presidential election, while two other episodes in the same season specify 1958. The sixth season episode ristmas Time" ends with a photo dated Christmas 1960. In the 10th season episode "Babysitting,"Fonzie watches the first championship fight between Cassius Clay and Sonny Liston on television. This boxing match occurred on 25, 1964In the first part of theperies finale, "Passages," and Chachi are wearing T-shirts that "The Kinks – smmer 1965 Tour." Series  producer Garry period icons, such as Howdy
Doody nd The Lone Ranger,to make visits to underscore a feel of innocence and hero worship
History :                                                              
     Happy Days originated during a time of 1950s nostalgic interest evident in film, television and music . The show began as an unsold pilot filmed in the late 1971 called new family in town. With Harold gould in the role of howard Cunningham, marion ross as marion, ron hiward as Richie anson Williams as potsie, ric carrotl as charies “Chuch” Cunningham. And susan nether as joanie. While paramout passed on making it into a weekly series, the pilot was recycled with the tittle love and the happy days, for presentation on the television anthology series love,  American style.

Storylines dictated that the set would be destroyed by fire, so in later seasons, a different amold’s drive-in emerged and lasted through the later years of the show. The new set featured wood paneling and stained glass.

In 2004. Two decades after the first set was destroyed, the Happy Days 30th Anniversary Reunion requested that the reunion take place in Arnold’s. The familiar set was rebuilt  by Production Designer James Yarnell.  Built from the original ground plan, this was the first that the Happy Days cast had been in this set since the 1970s…….

Mekanthi Design

          The best thing about the Indian weddings is the functions or ceremonies which take place before the wedding. One of these well celebrated and highly awaited ceremonies is the mehndi ceremony. The mehndi to the bride as well as to each other. This ceremony is celebrated with high spirits where a lot of songs are played and people dance and enjoy themselves.

     A large number of songs are taken from the bollywood movies and several albums and are really famous. A few of these songs which are played during the mehndi ceremonies.

     There are a large variety of Mehndi designs that a person can choose from. Arabic Mehndi is one of the most commonly known types of Mehndi designs. The other types and varieties of Mehndi designs include Bridal Mehndi, Glitter Mehndi, tattoo Mehndi, Indian Mehndi, Pakistani Mehndi, and many more.

          The best thing about the Indian weddings is the functions or ceremonies which take place before the wedding. One of these well celebrated and highly awaited ceremonies is the Mehndi ceremony. The Mehndi ceremony is the one where in all the ladies gather to apply Mehndi to the bride as well as to each other
This ceremony is celebrated with high spirits where a lot of songs are played
people dance and enjoy themselves.

          The various kinds of mehndi designs comprise arabic mehndi, bridal mehndi, and glitter mehndi. For the ones who already know how to apply mehndi, but ate in search of good, new, elegant designs there are a large number of websites which are available online. These websites offer a large number of designs in various categories.

      In order to take up this coursr successful completion of all the above mentioned courses is very important. It mainly conentrates on a lot of detail work.
              The Mehndi ceremony is the one where in all the ladies gather to apply Mehndi to the bride as well as to each othe This ceremony is celebrated with high spirits where a lot of songs are played people dance and enjoy themselves.

              Mehndi ceremony in indian wedding mainly includes pre wedding rituals. At festivals such as diwali. the majority of women go to the mehndi applications the mahority of beauty salons also offer henna application during the festive season.

        Mehndi is used in several cases, such as marriage, none of the indian wedding is a must for every wedding ceremony. Althought styles of mehbdi to differ in different regions, they are used in. The most popular types of mehndi design includes Indian....

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Online Job


                Online Jobs for Indians.
                Rs.50000 Monthly !

The one of the genuine way to make money online through internet is pay per click programs. First you Should know about what is pay per click programs. Now a days pay per click program (PPC) is one of  Highest money making program online with less effort. Its also known as PPC program.

Pay per click programs are used to advertising on the search engines advertising network and in any
Content websites or blogs. Advertisers pay only when user clicks the advertisement on the search engine or content website. The specific about their target market and target audiences. May advertisers bid on the specific keyword what they think about their target market and target audiences. May advertisers will sell any products or they offer some paid or subscribed services to their targeted audiences.
          When user search using some defined keywords which described earlier by advertiser with targeted keywords in search engines or content websites the relevant advertiser’s advertisements will display in search in search engines and content network websites.
         The related advertisements which displayed in search engines and content network will attract the visitors and they may interested to know about the advertising tasks. If user may click the advertisers advertisements. For every click advertisers networks, Search engines and webmasters depends on how much click through traffic they offered for the advertisers website.

          To start earning through pay per click programs you no need the search for advertisers. While many search engines and advertising network operators like Google AdSense, Ya hoo! Overture, Kontera, Miva, Clicksor and many of the keywords and competition the advertisers will pay from very popular and highly competitive keywords will cost more.

         This prices are known as CPC . This website articles will offer you the relevant details and more ideas about pay per click programs to make money online…………

Tuesday, 8 March 2011


Angeline Jolie
          Angelina Jolie is an Oscar-winning actress who has become poplar by taking on the title role in the “Lara Croft” series of block buster movies. Off-screen, Jolie has become prominently involved in International charity projects,  especially those involving refugees. She Often appears on many “Most Beautiful Women” lists, and she has a personal life that is avidly covered by the tabloid press.
         In her earliest years, Angelina began absorbing the acting craft from her parents – her father is the Oscar-winning actor jon voight and her mother is marcheline bertre instirute. She undertook some film studies at , Angelina began studying at the lee Strasberg theatre institute. She undertook some film studines at new York university and later joined the renowned met theatre group in los angeles. She took up a career in modeling and appeared in some music videos. Here exotic good looks may derive from her ,mixed ancestry which is Czech. French Canadian, iroguois and English.
          Anglina got a mojor break in 1999 when she won a leading role in the successful feature the bone collector starring alongside denzel Washington. In that some year, Jolie gave a tour de force performance in girl. Interrupted playing opposite winona ryder. The movie was a true story of women who spent time in a psychiatric hospital jolies role was reminiscent of jack nicholsons character in one flew over the cuckoos nest the role which won Nicholson his first Oscar. Unlike ‘’Cuckoo” Girl was to give out awards, jolie won the triple crown girl propelled her to win the golden globe, the sag award and the academy award for best leading actress in a supporting role…..